New policy to stabilize foreign trade

Recently, in order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council , assist foreign trade enterprises to cope with difficulties and challenges, achieve the task of maintaining the stability and quality of imports and exports , and help stabilize the economy and the industrial chain and supply chain, the General Office of the State Council issued the "The Opinions on Promoting the Stability and QualAity Improvement for Foreign Trade ", put forward 13 policy measures in four areas in a targeted manner .

The "Opinions" propose that it is necessary to strengthen the production and operation guarantee of foreign trade enterprises, promote the smooth transportation of foreign trade goods, strengthen the function of maritime logistics services to stabilize foreign trade, promote the accelerated development of cross-border e-commerce, improve its quality and efficiency, increase export credit insurance support, and increase Large-scale import and export credit support, further strengthen financial support for small, medium and micro foreign trade enterprises, accelerate the improvement of foreign trade enterprises' ability to deal with exchange rate risks, continue to optimize the RMB settlement environment for cross-border trade, promote enterprises to make good use of online channels to expand trade transactions, encourage innovation, green, High value-added products will explore the international market, strengthen the cultivation and construction of import promotion platforms, and support the stable development of processing trade.

Since the beginning of this year, the State Council has made intensive arrangements to stabilize foreign trade, and a series of policies have been introduced. In January of this year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on Doing a Good Job in Cross-Cycle Adjustment and Further Stabilizing for Foreign Trade" and "Opinions on Promoting the Integrated Development of Domestic and Foreign Trade". On April 13rd, the State Council executive meeting held decided to further increase export tax rebates and other policy support to promote the stable development of foreign trade.On May 5th, the executive meeting of the State Council held determined measures to promote the stability and quality of foreign trade to help stabilize the economy and the industrial chain and supply chain.

In this regard, Zhao Ping, deputy director of the Research Institute of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, analyzed that compared with the foreign trade stabilization policies introduced this year, the "Opinions" have two prominent highlights: First, it emphasizes "maintaining stability" and focuses on the current problems faced by foreign trade enterprises, help enterprises to resolve risks and improve the ability to develop new orders. For example, the "Opinions" proposed to promote the smooth transportation of foreign trade goods, support small, medium and micro enterprises to participate in overseas exhibitions by means of "Domestic online counterpart talks, overseas offline commodity exhibitions" and other measures, so as to face the difficulties faced by enterprises. The second is to focus more on "Quality improvement" and improve the development quality of the foreign trade industry. For example, the "Opinions" extend the support policies for high-tech enterprises to the field of cross-border e-commerce, which can promote the innovation and development of cross-border e-commerce.

Zhao Ping believes that the launch of the "Opinions" is expected to bring three benefits to foreign trade enterprises: First, it can promote the smooth supply chain, enhance the ability of enterprises to accept orders and perform contracts,solve the problems that enterprises are afraid to accept, unwilling to accept, or unable to accept orders . The second is to expand the source of orders for enterprises, helping enterprises to offset the cost pressure caused by the high commodity prices and shipping costs with a larger-scale income increase capacity. The third is to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency by continuing to implement fiscal, taxation and financial assistance policies, help enterprises reduce liquidity risks caused by insufficient funds, various uncertainties in the world economy caused by credit risks , strengthen the ability of foreign trade enterprises

One point of deployment, nine points of implementation. The "Opinions" put forward a series of policies with high gold content, the subsequent detailed implementation is particularly important for the full release of policy effects.

Zhao Ping suggested that in the process of implementation, firstly, we should strengthen the coordination between foreign trade and economic stabilization policies, link the "Opinions" to stabilize the industrial chain and supply chain-related policies and improve the "whitelist" enterprise service-related policies to form policies. Superimposed advantages to accelerate the recovery and smoothness of the supply chain . Second, we must strengthen policy publicity, especially for small and medium-sized foreign trade enterprises, so that foreign trade enterprises that meet the policy conditions should enjoy policy dividends and improve policy effects.

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