Stabilize Orders and Expand Markets

In May, under the support of the domestic production supply orderly recovery and the foreign trade policies continuous strengthening , our country's foreign trade export enterprises actively sought to stabilize orders , expand markets, further consolidating the foundation for maintaining stability and improving foreign trade quality.

Data show that in May, our country's foreign trade exports reached US$308.25 billion, a year-on-year increase of 16.9%, 13 percentage points higher than the export growth rate of 3.9% in April. Exports of high-tech and high-value-added products continued to increase. In the first five months, the export value of my country's mechanical and electrical products accounted for 57.2% of the total export value. Among them, automobile exports increased by 57.6% year-on-year.

Enterprises actively seek to stabilize orders,the local governments are also providing precise services to help enterprises continue to expand the international market. A stationery company in Tieling, Liaoning Province , has accurately received a number of new customers from RCEP member countries such as Thailand and Malaysia through the local comprehensive inquiry service platform of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) .

With the further implementation of a series of economic stabilization policies and measures, there are still many supporting factors for the steady growth of China's foreign trade. The vitality of foreign trade market players has been continuously enhanced. In the first five months, the number of foreign trade enterprises with actual import and export performance in my country reached 482,000, an increase of 5% year-on-year; the import and export value of private enterprises accounted for 49% of my country's total foreign trade value, an increase of 1.5 percentage points year-on-year ; The efficiency of cargo circulation in domestic ports has been continuously improved. The average time in port and berthing time of ships in container ports in my country are 1.98 days and 1.04 days respectively, which is significantly better than the average level of 3.3 days and 2.4 days in major foreign container ports.


Team introduction

The last ,it is able to leave a deep impression on customers. Currently, paper bags are diversified in terms of design, color and aesthetics. Exquisite and luxurious paper bags will leave a deep impression on customers. On the other hand, when printing paper bags, the company's logo, information and address can be printed on the paper bags ingeniously. This is convenient for customers to contact directly when they buy again, also helps to promote the brand and expand its popularity.


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